My First iMAC! Flashing “question mark” on Start

Another problem that I HAVE CREATE in my iMac stay in the attempt to install Windows XP via boot camp on it.

The problem is also so BIG, because i block the open firmware via a password (in iMAC intel there isn’t open firmware, but EFI. If you go to utility you can set a password to a missing open firmware function).

After a afternoon of panic, the solve idea was to remove a bank of memory, restart the iMAC, shut down, insert the bank of memory and restart.


My First iMAC! the CD / DVD wont eject ??

I’ve just bought a very, very nice iMAC 17″.

I’ve encountered a problem trying to install bootcamp and XP SP2. The CD won’t eject (I’ve the bluetooth version of keyboard + mouse), so searching the internet I’ve found this interesting tips:

CD Won’t Eject on Mac OSX
1. Restart or startup your computer.
2. Hold down the mouse button immediately.
3. Continue to hold the mouse button down until the CD ejects.

It works!